Scar Tissue Therapy
Do you know about Scar Tissue Therapy? India Gooderham explains all about this amazing therapy and how to get in touch.
Scar Tissue Therapy, also know as Scar Tissue Release Therapy or Scar Work, is a deeply healing modality, using gentle techniques to support change in the connective tissue, helping to restore function and reduce pain.
The Scar Tissue Therapy techniques can help to free up adhesions and scar tissue caused by surgical procedures, as well as for adhesions caused by inflammatory conditions including endometriosis, Crohn’s disease, colitis, IBS, and for scar tissue from radiation therapy.
“Of patients who undergo abdominal surgery, 93 percent develop abdominal adhesions.” Ward BC, Panitch A. Abdominal adhesions: current and novel therapies. Journal of Surgical Research.
“Surgery in the lower abdomen and pelvis, including bowel and gynaecological operations, carries an even greater chance of abdominal adhesions. Abdominal adhesions can become larger and tighter as time passes, sometimes causing problems years after surgery.” www.niddk.nih.go
The aim of scar tissue release is to:
Reduce pain and restriction.
Create better internal function.
Restore nerve function including numbness, pain and sensitivity.
Enhance movement of the surrounding tissues, to reduce pulling and sticking.
Encourage the reversal of uterine and vaginal prolapse, as well sensations of prolapse.
After Scar Tissue Therapy surgical scars may appear smoother, less puckered and have a more integrated look, however, the emphasis is on the underlying tissue changes within the fascial system.
The techniques used are light and gentle with the aim of improving function, condition and integration of scar tissue.
Far reaching effects: A scar is formed on many layers, wherever the surgeon’s knife has been and wherever organs and tissues have been even temporarily displaced during surgery there may be adhesions and scar tissue (both in the superficial and deep layers of skin, tissues and organs).
It’s never too late: Very old scars still respond well to Scar Tissue Therapy, new scars can be treated if they are fully healed, dry and infection free. All scars can be treated using these effective fascial tissue releases.
Episiotomy: An episiotomy scar for example can have implications for the bladder and other internal organs, without actually touching the episiotomy scar itself huge improvements can be made to the underlying structures, fibres of which may be adhered or pulled out of alignment during surgery or the healing process. You can also be trained to self-treat, bringing huge relief.
Empowering you with the tools for self-care of your scars
We will teach you techniques so that you can continue to support your scar healing in the comfort of your own home between your sessions. We can also advise you on the other ways that you can help your scar to heal.
We are very lucky to have Kath and India at Yellow Door Therapies offering this amazing treatment. If you have any questions at all about how this may benefit you please do arrange for a free 20 minute consultation call with us.
Kath Loyson:
07745 748 154
India Gooderham:
07531 249 283