Originating in traditional oriental medicine, acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain but is also thought to be effective for other general health and wellness issues such as stress management and fertility. Once the practitioner has a full understanding of the patient’s overall medical history and lifestyle, very fine needles are inserted into the skin at strategic points on the body. The procedure is pain-free and most people find the process very calming and relaxing.
The therapy is based on the idea that energy, or qi, flows through our bodies along pathways known as meridians, and by placing the needles at certain points along these channels we can re-balance the flow of energy.
Our practitioner Yuki is renowned in the industry and has a particular interest in treating fertility and breech positions in pregnancy. Yuki practices traditional acupuncture as well as moxibustion and the Mukaino method.
Moxibustion consists of smouldering rice-grain sized cones of moxa (which is refined Artemisia Princeps) on specific locations on the skin.
The Mukaino method is a diagnostic and treatment protocol that allows the practitioner to quickly assess the quality of movement in specific areas. Acupuncture points are stimulated whilst repeating identified impaired movements to see whether the ranges of movement are improved.